
day trip - 03.13.10-03.14.10

i ventured out saturday evening,
much against the protestations of family.
it was a fierce storm,
but i was determined.

had dinner at juliette on north 5th street in williamsburg.
i ordered white bean and spinage pureed soup,
and a huge bowl of simple and delicious mussels.
the weather required a goodly amount of red wine,
so my friend and i indulged.

the feeling is unlike the keith mcnally experience.
it'st been outfitted with cast offs from original european cafes,
so it has a genuine tone.
i half expected sylvia beach to complain about my wet umbrella.

next morning,
my friend and i went to the otto dix exhibit at the neue galerie.
i enjoyed it,
though something tells me he had issues with the female gender.
we went to the man ray exhibit at the jewish museum,
on its last day and at the latest possible time.
story of my life.
i enjoyed it,
especially because it featured paintings,
as well as photos and "rayographs,"
but was disappointed my favorite wasn't on display:
a l'heure de l'observatoire - lex amoureux.

we went back to the neue for a light supper,
(not so light it turned out),
at the cafe sabarsky.
as always,
the meal was very good,
finished with their excellent hot chocolate and rehrucken,
a chocolate marzipan cake with orange confiture.
quite good.

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